Responsibilities in Netball
Prepared by Chris Burton - National Director of Umpiring
In no particular order
​WORKING knowledge of the rules
Instruction of the skills of the game so that there is an integral compliance with the rules
​A philosophical acceptance that the "spirit of the game" rule is of importance
A respect for the rights of the opposition coach and players
To teach fair contest as part of skill acquisition and exposition
To teak that players have behavioural responsibilities toward their opponents and umpires
to provide a safe and supportive structure around the team so that the effect of external pressures on players may be minimised as much as is possible in a volatile and competitive environment
WORKING knowledge of the rules, Including player responsibilities in:
- taking a throw-in​
- taking a toss up
- knowing where the penalties are taken for breaking, offside, over a third and thrown in
- the setting and taking of penalties
working with umpires during the game
the discipline rule from a preventative perspective
the spirit of the game expectations
RIGHST of the opponents, both individual and team
CORRECT clothing and footwear
INGURY time, treatment and action needed in partnership with the time allowance of up to 2 minutes
a COMPREHENSIVE knowledge of the rules and match protocols supported by an ability to analyse interpretations not only within the rules but more significantly between rules
a COMPREHENSIVE knowledge of all match protocols (eg. working with a colleague, conduct of pre-match responsibilities, conduct of all decisions and accompanying penalties)
Conduct of injury time
Establishing a rapport with players so that equity and security for ALL is paramount
Establishing an on court TONE which encourages maximum endeavour with the ruls nad penalises other alternatives
Acquires a knowledge of game skills and their development along with an understanding of the nature of contest, plyer volatility and match pressures.
Work to earh the respect of the players each time you officiate